2019/01/25デュッセルドルフ上映会ご報告 Dusseldorf Screening Report
我々制作者は残念ながら現地には行けなかったのですが、大江戸和髪学会三代目会長でありフェニックス救援隊で災害援助の活動も積極的にされている友人の澤 葉子さんが、この日のために渡独日程を早めてくださり、舞台挨拶にお立ち下さいました。またデュッセルドルフの日本領事館の皆さまにも、映画上映実現にあたり大変お世話になりました。この場を借りてお礼申し上げます。
We are delighted to report that the German premiere took place well on Jan. 18 with over 100 people watching the film. Thank you everyone for coming! We are told that many of them left comments that they were touched by the film.
We also thank Ms.Yoko Sawa, who arranged her tight schedule to fly over there and be on stage, and also our gratitude goes to the staff at the Consulate General of Japan in Düsseldorf who made it happen to show this film in Germany.
It is always a bit scary to see how the foreign audience appreciate this film with English subtitles, as the information might be limited through the subtitles. But the relief is that we mostly have the same reaction anywhere in the world, so far.
Once again thank you so much for everyone who were there at the screening!